
Studies show that in elite level sports, mental skills are responsible for 50-90% of variance in performance. Time and effort into making sure your mental state is the best it can be pays off.


You can’t expect everything to be perfect every time. You’re bound to make mistakes along the way, but try not to let them affect you going forward. If you’re spending the moments before a game revisiting everything that went wrong before, you won’t be in the right headspace to do better this time. 


It’s easy to get caught up in the decisions or actions of others. But there’s no point in giving energy to what you can’t control. If an opponent annoys you or you disagree with a call, you’ll bring yourself down by focusing on it. You can’t change what other people think or do, so focus on yourself and what you can do.


Don’t spend your time overthinking what the result will be, whether you’ll win, or whether you’ll make a mistake. It’s very important you manage your expectations and avoid piling on the pressure before events and competitions. It’ll just distract you. Approach each event with a calm, level head and you’ll perform better for it. 


Try to stay in the moment at all times. You can’t give an event your all if you’re too busy thinking about the past or what’s going to come next. Approach each event as if it’s the only thing that matters. If you do, your focus will improve and you’ll perform better. It might be worth trying some breathing or meditative techniques. Mindfulness is a great way to focus on the here and now. These can help you to block out your surroundings and focus better on the current moment.


You want to perform at your best when you need to, but this involves properly switching off when you don’t. Learning how to truly relax when you have downtime will help keep your mental state ready to go. Your mind gets tired like your body, so give it time to rest and recuperate. Make time for things you enjoy outside of your sport that’ll distract you and give you a temporary escape. The last thing you want is to burn out before a big competition.

So before the next big competition, it’s important to train your mind as much as you’d train your body. A toxic headspace could ruin your performance as much as an injury could. You want to keep your mind clear and relaxed before any events and competitions. You’ll notice big differences in your performance if you do.


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