Sports Reelz
Student athletes,
how to make a highlight reel
Different ways to make a highlight reel
It is hard to figure out how to make a highlight reel. It takes time, it takes knowledge of the sport, and it takes technical skills to create then share it. Here are a list of some ways to you may have tried.
- Your phone: Clip all videos on your phone but then how do you put them together?
- Professional Video Editors: Pay for a professional video software that will take weeks to learn how to use.
- Have a friend do it: If you have a friend make it, it will look like a friend made it
- Hire Professionals: This is a better way to make sure your video is top notch and save you time. But make sure there is an easy way to update your video.
Why work so hard to play college athletics to then hurt yourself by promoting yourself incorrectly. There is a way to save you time and get the most out of your highlight video. Make sure you use a platform that:
Gives you full control when needed
Allows easy updates
Let’s you access video from anywhere
Is free for coaches to view
How do you know what plays to use
We are working on developing tutorials for different positions in different sports with the help of college coaches. n the meantime use our Highlight Builder. You can share it with your current coach, get immediate feedback, and then make any changes that you need to.
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Hire professionals.
We build your highlights
If you don’t have time to use our tools yourself we match recruiting specialists based on your sport + style of play. We will analyze your highlights and get your video ready for sharing.